LA&M Strategic Framework

This framework identifies the guideposts that align our work with our values, moving us toward our vision to become the model for what a 21st-century independent research library can and should be.

Our focus areas will continually evolve, but our mission to make leather, kink, BDSM, and fetish accessible through research, preservation, education and community engagement. remains the same. We are committed to our work, building an inclusive collection that encourages open-minded exploration.


Our values guide and support all aspects of our work and are expressed with integrity and authenticity.

We strive to ensure that our work is inclusive of all voices who are a part of the history and culture we seek to preserve.

We maintain and care for our collections to ensure future access.

We create opportunities for others to connect and learn more about the stories represented in our collections.

We develop opportunities for communities to come together to experience shared culture and identity.

We work to ensure that our work is held to a standard of excellence.

Strategic Directions

Develop and enhance engaging exhibits in the LA&M Galleries, online and at offsite locations.

Build and maintain a robust collection.

Create and deliver programs and experiences that nurture the desire of community members and those curious to learn more about our history, heritage and social life.

Connect more deeply with the research community to have our collections used by scholars, students, journalists, writers, artists, filmmakers and others seeking to develop a wider understanding of our history and culture.

Develop and deliver consistent and vibrant communication and marketing tools that represent our value and relevance in the world today.


The Leather Archives & Museum is the premier institution collecting and preserving histories of leather, kink, fetish and BDSM communities, providing transformative experiences both in person and online.

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