Todays Date*
Requestor's First Name*
Requestor's Last Name*
Are you currently a voting or above member of the LA&M?YesNo
Requestor's Phone*
Requestor's Email*
Confirm Email*
Event Title
Event TypeMeeting/Discussions (up to 25 people)Meeting/Discussions (26+ people)Event/ContestReception/Gathering
Will you be the main person planning this event?YesNo
Please provide a description of this event:*
Will money be collected for and/or at this event?YesNo
Expected Attendance*Not to exceed 196 persons
Single Day or Multi-Day Event?Single DayMulti-Day
Proposed Event Date(s)/Time(s)*
If this is a Multi-Day Event Please provide dates and times for your event.
Some items requested may be subject to availability & feasibility.
Audio/Visual Requests, please select all that apply:Speaker needing a microphoneWireless microphonesPowerpoint or KeynotePre-Recorded Music Video/Slide showDVD Player
Equipment requests, please select all that apply.ChairsTablesUse of Lobby CounterOthers
Please provide additional notes & quantities needed for requested items:
Catered food and/or non-alcoholic beverages will be served?YesNo
Will alcohol be served at this event?YesNo